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At riskの使い方は?

at riskの例文 何千もの家族が、家賃を払えないせいで立ち退きの危機にある。 People who are overweight are at risk of having heart problems. 太りすぎの人たちは心臓に問題を抱える危険性が

英語で「Risk O to do」の意味は?

〖S risk O《to do》〗 主語が目的語を危険にさらす《〜するために》 He risked his life to save her. 彼は彼女を救うために命をかけた。

Are there any Easter eggs in Buckshot Roulette?

There are some Easter Eggs relating to the General Release of Liability that have been found, more particularly the fact that you cannot enter certain usernames on the waiver upon meeting The Dealer, the main ones being GOD and DEALER.

What is shotgun slang for?

Idioms. call shotgun, to preemptively claim the privilege of sitting in the front passenger seat of a vehicle: When I was a kid, calling shotgun was an important part of the drive to school.

What do the items do in Buckshot Roulette?

Each round in Buckshot Roulette, you’ll receive a handful of items to help turn the odds in your favor. Some are used to inconvenience the dealer, and others will help keep you in the game after a bad call.Apr 13, 2024

What is the difference between blank and live Buckshot Roulette?

Depending on whether the player chooses to shoot themselves or the opponent, if the shell is live, then either the player or the Dealer loses a life; but if the shell is blank, the player either continues their turn or forfeits the shotgun to the Dealer, who plays their turn.

Are the bullets random in Buckshot Roulette?

At the start of each round, the computer-controlled Dealer loads the shotgun with a certain number of red live shells and grey blanks in a random order. The player then chooses to either shoot the Dealer or themselves.

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