Risk Mapping Assessment and Planning (Risk MAP)

Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning, Risk MAP, is the process used to make these maps. However, it creates much more than flood maps. It leads to more datasets, hazard mitigation analysis and communication tools.

While FEMA is responsible for the overall administration of the Risk MAP program, reducing risk to flooding and hazards is not a responsibility solely on the shoulders of one organization; everyone has a role to play. Whether you are an engineer performing a flood risk analysis, a state planner designing and implementing a hazard mitigation plan, or a well-informed homeowner who has purchased flood insurance, empowering individuals, organizations and communities to take proactive steps to reducing flood risk is an essential piece of Risk MAP.

Learn more about what Risk MAP means for you.

State & Community Officials

Real Estate, Lending & Insurance Professionals

Engineers, Surveyors & Architects

Homeowners, Renters & Business Owners

Using Risk MAP to Plan and Take Action

Risk MAP supports community resilience by providing data, building partnerships, and supporting long-term hazard mitigation planning. In particular, Risk MAP’s Flood Risk Products work alongside regulatory products to provide flood risk information and support your community’s overall floodplain management and hazard mitigation strategies.

The Flood Risk Products and datasets present information that can enhance hazard mitigation planning activities, especially the risk and vulnerability assessment portion of a hazard mitigation plan, and the development of risk-based mitigation strategies. Flood Risk Products can also help guide land use and development decisions and help you take mitigation action by highlighting areas of highest risk, areas in need of mitigation, and areas of floodplain change.

Risk MAP Products

Risk MAP vs. Regulatory Products

Risk MAP Guidelines & Standards

Risk MAP Projects

Interactive Progress Map

View the interactive map to see if any currently funded projects are in progress in your community, or contact your local floodplain administrator (often an official in the zoning or planning department).

Story Maps

Explore interactive story maps that help explain the Risk MAP process, coastal flood risk, use of FEMA mapping data, mitigation planning, and other programs.

Risk MAP Project Lifecycle

Follow the different steps that can be involved across the lifecycle for flood risk products.

Success Stories

Read stories that provide examples of Risk MAP successes at different stages in the process.

Levees and Coastal Flood Risk

Living with Levees

To help understand the realities of levee risk, FEMA provides community outreach tools and construction guidelines related to levee risk.

Coastal Resilience

FEMA is working with local community officials to produce additional data and hazard mitigation tools to enable more strategic emergency preparedness and mitigation planning in coastal communities.

Additional Resources

Risk MAP Multiyear PlanLearn about the future of the Risk MAP program.

Hazard Mitigation PlanningPlan to minimize the impact of disasters.

FloodSmart.govLearn how to get flood insurance.

Guides to Expanding MitigationA series designed to highlight innovative and emerging partnerships for mitigation.

Flood Map Service Center (MSC)Understand your flood risk and view your flood maps.

Ready.govMake a plan and be ready for disaster.


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at riskの例文 何千もの家族が、家賃を払えないせいで立ち退きの危機にある。 People who are overweight are at risk of having heart problems. 太りすぎの人たちは心臓に問題を抱える危険性が

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〖S risk O《to do》〗 主語が目的語を危険にさらす《〜するために》 He risked his life to save her. 彼は彼女を救うために命をかけた。

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BUCKSHOT ROULETTE is a tabletop horror game that attempts to re-design the infamous game of Russian Roulette, replacing the traditional revolver with a proper 12-gauge pump-action shotgun.

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    Risk of Rain 2 - PS4 ゲーム PlayStation(日本) (日本) 荒れ狂ったモンスターの群れと戦って、見知らぬ混沌だらけの惑星から脱出しよう。一人でも友達と一緒でもプレイ可能。 戦利品を驚きの方法で組み合わせて、各キャラクターを使いこなし、最初の不時着の時に恐れていた破壊王になろう。 見知らぬ惑星で生き延びろ 12 を越える場面があり、それぞれには厄介な敵や巨大なボスがプレイヤーの生存を阻もうとしてくる。 ラスボスと戦って脱出することも、プレイを続けてどれだけ生き延びられるか試すことも可能。 独特な評価システムにより、プレイヤーと敵のどちらもが、ゲームを通じて無限に強くなっていく。 強力な新アイテムを見つけよう どの周回にも 110 種類以上のアイテムと、数々の新たな難問が待ち受けている。 アイテムを集めれば集めるほど、効果の組み合わせが増え、中には驚きを禁じ得ないものも。 発見したアイテムが多ければ多いほど、ログを通じて発見できる知識 および戦略 が増える。 新たなプレイ方法をアンロック プレイ可能な生存者 10 人をアンロックしよう。それぞれが独特な戦闘スタイルと入れ替え可能なスキルを持っている。 アーティファクトの秘密を習得して、「味方の誤射」「生存者のランダム出現」「アイテム選択」などのゲーム改変を切り替えよう。 ステージ、敵、アイテムはランダムで出現するため、同じ周回は二度とない。 ソロ プレイか、協力プレイか ソロまたはオンラインで最大 3 人で協力して冒険することも、プリズマティック トライアルで交代でチャレンジを競うこともできる。 エンジニア、ハントレス、そしてもちろんコマンドーといった、おなじみの生存者に加えて、新たな生存者としてキャプテンと MUL-T が登場。

    Risk Mapping, Assessment and Planning, Risk MAP, is the process used to make these maps. However, it creates much more than flood maps. It leads to more datasets, hazard mitigation analysis and communication tools. While FEMA is responsible for the overall administration of the Risk MAP program, reducing risk to flooding and hazards is not a responsibility solely on the shoulders of one organization; everyone has a role to play. Whether you are an engineer performing a flood risk analysis, a state planner designing and implementing a hazard mitigation plan, or a well-informed homeowner who has purchased flood insurance, empowering individuals, organizations and communities to take proactive steps to reducing flood risk is an essential piece of Risk MAP.

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