Comments 60 to 21 of 5726 - Buckshot Roulette by Mike Klubnika

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Viewing most recent comments 5,667 to 5,706 of 5,726 · Next page · Previous page · First page · Last pageDstddk252 days agoVery cool, but short

Replyeyevenear252 days ago(3 edits)(+1)Lovely short game, gave me huge Jigsaw vibes, good concept and ideas! How long did you take to make it?FOUND AN EASTER EGG (spoilers):

If you try to set your name as “GOD” it won’t accept it, because the dealer already took it.

ReplyCectut252 days ago(1 edit)(-1)The game has a fun aesthetic, and the gameplay is also pretty cool, but I found that the AI was not “ruthless yet fair” and would often end up blowing its brains out in situations with a very high (sometimes even 100%) chance of killing it, which took away from the oppressive atmosphere the game seemed to be going for.A harder difficulty where the AI has more defib charge, more item draws, and smarter decision-making skills would be amazing, as the game feels more like it’s worth $0.25 right now with the amount of playtime I get.

ReplyRodKing252 days ago(+1)Wow, what an intense rush of a game, congrats. I have to say, the soundtrack is superb and on point, I really felt the stakes before pulling the trigger each time.

After I cut the support for the dealer and I knew my next shot was a live round and I was about to really kill someone, I started to feel doubt which was disturbingly amazing! If there’s a future installment I wish there’ll be dilemmas and regrets against maybe other people I would be playing against, or some story building empathy with the dealer before doing the deed.

Also, this somewhat reminded me of the blackjack DLC from RE7, which I loved. Please consider making a full game experience out of this, the concept alone is interesting enough.

Ps. Shame I can’t name myself ‘God’ :P

Replylededje253 days agoFantastic game, very Inscryption. A full game would be great

Replyzfrhv253 days ago(3 edits)after launching the game and pressing start my screen stayed black, the only thing i cound see is the mouse and the popup that i can use the mouse to interact.i also tried to run it as administrator, windows 10 home version 22h2, no antivirus

did i do something wrong?


worked by launching the game from the cmd:

C:\Users\zahar\Desktop\buckshot>“Buckshot Roulette.exe” –rendering-driver opengl3

the lights are different tho, i guess we need a good gpu that works well with vulkan to work perfectly

Replyzfrhv253 days agobtw i just realize that the screen was black whole the time, i could see only the white options “Start” “Credits” “Exit”

Replyzfrhv252 days agorunning from cmd:

C:\Users\zahar\Desktop\buckshot>start ./“Buckshot Roulette.exe”

C:\Users\zahar\Desktop\buckshot>Godot Engine v4.1.1.stable.official.bd6af8e0e -

Vulkan API 1.1.70 - Forward+ - Using Vulkan Device #0: NVIDIA - GeForce GTX 1050

Replyzfrhv252 days agoyoooo guyss it worked by running in the cmd the next command:

C:\Users\zahar\Desktop\buckshot>“Buckshot Roulette.exe” –rendering-driver opengl3

thanks to my developer friend!

he told that if gpu doesnt works with vulkan then you can use OpenGL!

ReplyFilipS90253 days ago(1 edit)(+2)Hey Im not able to purchase this from Serbia. Its a regular visa card, I use it normally for everything else. Nice little game, hopefully this can be resolved somehow, my email is [email protected], let me know if you found some work around.

ReplyTheRedRoom253 days agoPerfect mix of Inscryption and the classic Mike Klubnika weirdness! Top effort mate, super enjoyed myself. This is the type of shit I want to see more of from short-form game developers! Gameplay loop, purpose, strategy and all around just fun condensed into a short gaming experience!

Replysearchw252 days agoagree with you so much

ReplyAnnaPuppy253 days agoshould totally put this on steam when it blows up ive watched one of my fave youtubers play this and i had to play it. reminded me of inscription in a way. to me this looks like a master piece i hope u continue its development im already addicted

ReplyElPikouik253 days agoQuick, atmospheric and fun, really like it.

If I may comment on the items though, in my opinion, being able to use multiple of them is overpowered and leads to less tension than it could have been, since:

-It’s always a good idea to use cigs when lacking HP, there’s no downside

-It’s always a good idea to use a magnifying glass (very broken item btw in a game whose main principle is not knowing what’s in the chamber) and decide from there whether shooting oneself with a blank or making a devastating combo with a saw and/or a handcuff

--Not being able to combo would trade knowing what the next shot is (already powerful) with being able to do anything else

-The beer becomes less attractive and is only really useful if I don’t have a magnifying glass or a handcuff to control the flow

-I end up keeping the saw mostly for when I can get an assured shot with a mag glass

Food for thoughts. The same with a 1 item restriction per shot would introduce way more thinking and tough decisions

ReplyRodKing252 days agoYeah, once you know what u are doing, the game becomes so easy in subsequent playthroughs. I had to force myself to not use the glass to make it somewhat fair

ReplyGarlic_Mint253 days ago(+2)Странно что находясь в России я не могу купить игру про Русскую рулетку

ReplyGarlic_Mint253 days ago(+3)Привет, я увидел эту игру в YouTube и хочу ее купить, но не могу этого сделать. Как я могу это сделать? Судя по видео игра просто отличная, я бы хотел поддержать разработку игры и вступить в сообщество. Предложить добавить мультиплеер, оставить отзыв. Но я не могу купить игру (((

ReplyAnubka252 days agoТа же проблема друг… Та же проблема…

ReplyBerserkusUa251 days agoнапишите в тг или дс и я помогу

Replydownedcrane252 days agoТебе нужна иностранная карта, itch это не российская платформа, а использование российских карт за рубежом ограничено санкциями.

Насчет разработки - игра полностью закончена, тут больше нечего разрабатывать. Сам Майк - достаточно известный инди-разработчик, и делает все в одиночку насколько мне известно. Можешь попробовать написать ему в Твиттер.

ReplyBerserkusUa251 days agoнапишите мне в тг или дс и я помогу

ReplyBerserkusUa251 days agoмой дс berserkusua мой тг @yanvovk2

ReplyBrotherJunk253 days agoAnyone figure out the issue with the trojan? I wanna play this but its deemed as a virus on my computer

ReplyDeleted post253 days agoDeleted 252 days agoReplyKtoTo739253 days ago(+1)Same situation. If anyone can help, please, my telegram is @DellConagher7. We will talk about payment when we start discussing

Replydownedcrane252 days agoМеждународные санкции, российские карты не работают за рубежом.

Replyfalling_off253 days ago(+1)Found this through yt and instantly had to buy once the player shot themselves. The rush just watching was ridiculous and I had to experience it myself. Great game and love the music!

Replygirthquak_e253 days agoMy sound cuts out after I open the first door and it doesnt return. how would I fix this?

ReplySummiterFM249 days agodid you find a fix? my game does the same thing

ReplyTermSansOfficial253 days ago(+1)I would LOVE to see this become a game on steam, like a full one with a story, new mechanics, new enemies, and new shotguns and shotgun shell types. I feel like it would be extremely fun to see. Great work on this!

ReplyDkfkidjdjsjsjdjd252 days ago(+1)I agree, I feel like the developer has made something quite special and it would be a shame if this was all to it

ReplyLolifoxish253 days agoGosh the effects in this were top notch. Fantastic work, and thank you for creating such a masterpiece!

ReplyDeleted account253 days agoDeleted postReplyGosluu253 days agoI’d love to see more of this!

Replycompromised253 days ago(+1)The author’s skillful and creative implementation of both psychological terror and grounded rational fear creates a mood and ambience of which I can only describe as life-threatening non-chalance. You know the rules, you know the stakes. Blood transfusions and defibrillators are there if you make the wrong move. Or are they? Play for keeps, losers weep.

ReplyGalaxyDoge72253 days agothis is very fun to play, got it first try

Replyscratchycat253 days agoVery fun!!! LOVE IT

ReplyAggressiveBugFan253 days agoMade an account just to say this was absolutely amazing and super cool.

ReplyRicketyjoe4253 days agosick game, got to shoot myself in the face 10/10

ReplyKgbeast1253 days ago(+1)This game has such a fantastic art style and gameplay. The machines that appear throughout the game are really creative too! I hope you consider adding more to the game or turning this idea into a full release.

Replyspazbomb253 days agoSaw one minute of gameplay and knew immediately I needed to play this myself. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

ReplyPuzzL_US253 days agoThis was super simple and super fun. I love the art style. Dark and gritty just how I like it.

Replyagentsmith200253 days agoOut of curiosity, what game engine did you use for this?

ReplyBatvision253 days agoIncredible game! I love the suspense, having to keep track of the shells yourself, and the abrupt cutoff of the flash and gunshot if you guessed wrong. It’s an incredible rush when the dealer screws up, and it’s terrifying when you know your fate is sealed. Moreover I love how grungy and slimy everything is. Would love to play this with my friends (AS A VIDEO GAME)

ReplyBoombox888253 days agoI would also like to add to my previous comment that, in addition to what people are saying to add more content, please make it so that we can click to fire the shotgun, instead of it firing by itself. I kept on clicking the mouse thinking I was firing it, and it took a while to figure out that I was not. Adding that I feel would add a bit more tension/suspense to the action you took. Again, great game!

ReplyKnightproduction253 days ago(+1)Saw a playthrough and if you end up making a full game a cool idea would be to have special shells depending on your opponent for example incendiary shells does one spark of damage and slowly does more the longer you take to do your turn or birdshot/slugs that do half a spark or 2 sparks.

ReplyDeleted post253 days agoDeleted 252 days agoReplyDeleted post253 days agoDeleted 252 days agoReplytompur253 days agoi am unable to play the game as it is deemed unsafe by Norton

ReplyPoobar253 days agoMe too the game is flagged for having a trojan. I wonder if my thing is acting up or what

ReplyArie Maljers253 days agoFound a playthrough but could only watch until the third level becasue I knew I wanted to play the final act myself. Love this game, the atmosphere is perfect, my heart rate is still up (I just finished the game before writing this review).

To the prospective player/buyer, this game is 100% worth the low cost, it may be short but the feeling it generates shits on many games charging 20x as much .

To the Developer, please keep making games, I will now be checking out your other titles and eagerly await whatever you do next.

Replyjknifgijdfui253 days ago(+1)i was going to say add more items but thinking about it im not sure what else to add you should add more dealers tho each with different rulesets or something and every run is like a mix of 3 so each runs still short but theres more variety and stuff i dont really care what you add just add more this is fun

ReplyPolygonetwo253 days agoReminds me of Sacrifices Must Be Made. Very good atmosphere, heckin’ spooky.

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