Mobile Game Development Services Best Mobile Game App Development Company

As a top mobile game app development company, we offer neat Android & iOS gaming solutions. Bring your idea to reality with our mobile game development services.

If you have a game app idea that can offer a superlative and adventurous experience to users, our mobile game app developers would love to develop it for you. One of the key secrets to our success is our high-quality, domain-specific development team, which creates mobile game applications that meet the specific needs of our clients.

Since our inception, we have received a great deal of client support. Expert App Devs, India’s leading offshore mobile game development company, is a reputable name to turn to for exceptional mobile game development services.

Hire dedicated mobile game developers We inspire creativity and translate your vision into mission-critical solutions with best practices, an experienced team of best mobile app developers and exceptional support.

At Expert App Devs, we offer both short-term and long-term mobile game app development solutions to our clients. For the former, we have one-time titles with level-based content. On the other hand, we provide regular content updates with multiplayer capabilities to attain your long-term goals.

Our long-term gaming solutions, otherwise known as GaaS, are perfect both for customer retention and for enticing potential customers from your target audience. They tick the right boxes of your needs to create an impressive array of games across multiple genres.

  • Android game development
  • iPhone game development
  • Cross-platform supporting game apps
  • Multi-level and multi-player games
  • 2D and 3D games
  • Action, adventure, and sports games

Hire mobile game developers We believe in nothing shorter than a perfect solution. To fulfill this requirement, we analyze the target audience of our clients, especially their needs. We attach importance to this step as it influences their gaming experience.

From demographics to their geographic distribution and core interests, we gather all the necessary information in this regard. Thereafter, we build an engaging game featuring the best gameplay and tons of entertainment. Our user-analysis-based gaming services involve the right plot and theme that can strike a chord with every gamer.

  • Research and documentation
  • Conceptualize design
  • Asset production
  • Development and testing
  • Launch
  • Support and maintenance

Build your game Once our developers develop and test the game app, it is time to deploy the app on either Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store. We have experts ios and Androidgame developers to help you out. Depending on the platform of building a game we help our clients to launch the game on the right channel.

From generating the most relevant keywords to adding a short gameplay video and mapping the in-app services, we take every possible step to help you launch your game in the best possible way.

  • Beta release
  • Strategic launch plan
  • Game launch in the Play/App Store
  • Pre and post-launch support
  • Map in-app services
  • Gameplay video

Hire 3D game developers At Expert App Devs, a leading mobile game app development company in USA, UK, UAE, and Saudi Arabia, we believe sharing is caring. Therefore, we engage the existing users of our games with one another and also welcome new ones. The rationale behind it is to allow them to learn from the shared experience. It also helps us to discover the thoughts and opinions of the users of our games regarding our accomplishments.

From mapping your ideas to understanding the dynamic nature of games and testing consumer perception, our mobile game developers take care of it all. Connect with us and see your idea turn into a reality.

  • Test consumer perception
  • Figure out the most suitable technology
  • Attractive and responsive UI
  • Future-proof architecture
  • In-app purchases
  • Enhance purchasing loyalty

Hire dedicated game development team Hardcore gamers do not appreciate any interruption while playing their favorite game. Therefore, regardless of the genre, we focus on the game flow of all games across the board. We try to expedite the process of the transmission of data in the shortest possible time. We use up-to-date techniques such as data compression to overcome the challenge of high latency in the transmission of data.

Besides, we also employ select communication protocols to keep the user data, such as game achievements, secure. Our game development professionals create server side to facilitate scalability.

  • Responsive UI/UX
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Full-fledged entertainment for end users
  • Gamification solutions
  • Robust gaming controls
  • Future-proof design

Hire game designers As one of the leading Android and iPhone mobile game app development companies, we operate with a full-cycle game development model to address all game-related needs. Our GaaS game development model consists of a comprehensive approach to mobile game app development.

First, we analyze the targeted business prospects to work out a flawless game development model. Most gamers appreciate our efforts, due to our needs-based approach. We value their feedback and, as a responsible mobile game development company, we work on it to make the necessary improvement to further enrich their experience and engage them in games.

  • Custom mobile game development
  • Research and planning
  • Design and development
  • Testing and beta releases
  • Game launch
  • Support and maintenance

Hire custom mobile game developers After the launch of a game, we actively track the game crashes at the client side from time to time. Upon tracking any error, we take steps to resolve or fix the existing issues as soon as possible. We keep the server accessible to users and do everything we can to maintain a low latency in our efforts to offer the best service support.

For the best game tune-up service, we keep an eye on the bugs and the health report. We strive to identify opportunities to fine-tune the features of a game to meet the expectations of users at the subsequent stages. We use dedicated analytics tools to do it to perfection.

  • 24/7 assistance
  • Error tracking and debugging
  • Quality testing
  • Performance monitoring
  • Audience analysis
  • Preventive maintenance

Game On! We, at Expert App Devs, specialize in mobile game development. Our artists bring your idea to reality by adding stunning images while our animators breathe life into it. Be it location-based games or cross platform games, our mobile game developers have years of experience and expertise in all sorts of games. We provide you with flexible hiring models, i.e., our developers can work on a part-time, full-time, remote, and contract basis.

We believe in delivering cool designs and dedicated services. Depending on your requirements, our game app developers can turn your great gaming idea into a huge success.

  • Competitive cost
  • Expert mobile game developers
  • Personalized and dedicated support
  • Quality delivery within a timeline
  • Unique UI/UX
  • Post launch support
  • AR Game Development

Envision your game ideas Our game development team has a defined mobile game development process that helps convert a game idea into iOS mobile game app. We have extensive experience in creating mobile games for different genres. We have designed virtual reality, casual games and role-playing games for different enterprise requirements.

As a leading professional game development company, we work on mobile game design, mechanics and coding before releasing it to the market. We have defined stunning games and ensured addictive gameplay for the ios mobile devices. We offer all services, including pre-production, code analysis and testing for superior graphic rendering and exceptional gaming experiences.

  • Puzzle games
  • Game app with advanced technology
  • Hyper casual games
  • 3D game development
  • Action Games
  • Concept Art
  • Social Games

Hire iOS game developers As a leading mobile game development service, we use simulations and game technologies to take you into the 3D realms. Our aim is to recreate the real world in the virtual environment to give you the convenience of gaming without taking away the experiences. Whether you are playing cricket, football or fencing, you will get a real-world-like feel in the gaming world.

Using 3D props for realistic mobile games, we promote interactive and visually appealing games that have all the components of the physical world. Even though you are sitting on the couch while playing the game, we ensure it feels real and encouraging. Our storytellers can place the exact objects and recreate the effects to create immersive mobile game development experiences.

  • 2D animations
  • 3D animations
  • Visual storytelling
  • Object design

Build your 3D game We are a leading mobile game development company that offers capable mobile game testing and quality analysis services. Whether you want to determine the quality of your solution or check for bugs, our team is armed with the right arsenal and ready to fight the testing wars. We promise to deliver full-proof and high-performing bug-free solutions for your mobile game development requirements.

Known for using the latest tools, enriched technologies, and test-driven approaches, our team will check your app against multiple devices, operating system versions, game mechanics, and testing engines before curating the reports. Our aim is to determine the root cause and resolve the issue at the earliest.

  • Quality assurance testing
  • Performance and load testing
  • compatibility with mobile phones

Get your Game Here We take the oath of staying partners through bugs and fixes at the start of the project. Our support and maintenance services are our way of delivering complete support and assured upgrades at the end of the development cycle. From taking customer feedback as prompts to improve the application to updating your app to meet the OS upgrades, our team takes the oath seriously.

We optimize your mobile game solutions to enrich the experiences and increase the downloads. With a project manager helping the project, we ensure smooth operations and timely updates. With us as your mobile game development partner, you can stay assured about getting 24/7 access to our support team and periodic app maintenance for smooth operations.

  • 24/7 support
  • Regular updates
  • Platform updates
  • Develop games features

Hire indie game developers We offer a broader spectrum of technology solutions to tick all the right boxes for our clients’ needs.

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Read more challenge to address?We adhere to the highest standards in the mobile gaming industry, keep up with the latest gaming trends, and use the most advanced technologies, approaches, and creative ideas to stay one step ahead.

We create games that are carefully tailored to your specific requirements and budget constraints. We hire mobile game developers who are experts in each game development area: this allows us to form tailored approaches to your project based on its goals and scale.

It is not difficult for our skilled developers and programmers to create apps that maintain a consistent look and feel across multiple platforms. We are admirable for writing a single piece of code that can run on any platform.

We use well-known technologies to code the game application in order to support various mobile platforms. In our applications, you can also maintain and deploy advanced features.

As a leading mobile game development company, we engage with our clients using multiple engagement models. you can hire dedicated mobile game developers or, go with hourly hiring to develop mobile games.

We have implemented the best communication protocols, incorporated standard practices and used the top tools to enhance collaboration. Our mobile game development services are always available and accessible.

Our mobile game development team takes pride in an expansive portfolio that ranges from Windows game development to puzzles. We have game artists who have created games for various markets and genres.

We use a defined and highly proven process that helps deliver mobile gaming app solutions as required by the business. We follow the requirement for development to the testing process that also ensures high-quality apps.

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  • Android
  • Java

Captivating Unsolved Murder Case Game App

  • PlatformAndroid

  • Programming LanguageJava

  • DatabaseSQLite

  • ToolsAndroid Studio

  • Flutter

  • Dart

Revolutionizing School Transport with a Custom Bus Tracker App

  • PlatformFlutter

  • Programming LanguageDart

  • DatabaseSQLite, MySQL

  • ToolsVS Code, Android Studio, XCode

  • React Native(Redux-MVP)

  • JavaScript

Power Your Business Growth with a Customized IT Staff Augmentation App

  • PlatformReact Native(Redux-MVP)
  • Programming LanguageJavaScript
  • DatabaseSQLite
  • ToolsVS Code, Android Studio

Partner with us for end-to-end mobile app development services.automotiveautomotiveAutomotivejobjobJobreal estatereal estateReal EstatehospitalityhospitalityHospitalitytravel & tourismtravel & tourismTravel & Tourismlearning & educationlearning & educationLearning & Educationoil & natural gasoil & natural gasOil & Natural Gasbanking / financebanking / financeBanking / FinancedatingdatingDatingtransporttransportTransportabb groupnestlégea grouppaypalindusind banknational geographicinfosysjiogodrejagrovetnew york stock exchangesting sportssadhanaLet’s talk about that!

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