roulette shotgun Roblox Item Asylum Wiki Fandom

roulette shotgun is a ranged item in item asylum. It is a Mossberg 500 shotgun with an extended barrel and brown furniture. When holding the roulette shotgun, the user’s arms will visibly tremble. The gun will not be loaded upon first use, requiring each time to activate the roulette shotgun to… NOW, ME AND YOU, WE ARE DANCING ON THE EDGE OF LIFE AND DEATH.





Buckshot Roulette


fun for the whole family


Second Second


Buckshot Roulette Buckshot Roulette


fun for the whole family fun for the whole family



15×930×9 (Hand Saw)



Ammo capacity

Up to 8

Reload time



8 degrees

Rate of fire



15×930×9 (Hand Saw) 15×930×9 (Hand Saw)


KnockbackRagdoll KnockbackRagdoll

Ammo capacity

Up to 8 Up to 8

Reload time

Depends Depends


8 degrees8 degrees

Rate of fire

~2 ~2 When holding the roulette shotgun, the user’s arms will visibly tremble.

The gun will not be loaded upon first use, requiring each time to activate the roulette shotgun to load a random amount of ammunition. It has a magazine of up to 8 rounds, of which holds a random combination of live rounds and blank rounds. The difference between the two round types will never exceed three upon loading, and the user will always load at least one of both round types. Live rounds fired from the roulette shotgun shoot out a spread of 9 hitscan pellets that deal 15 damage each, with damage fall-off. If the user hits a single target for greater than or equal to 50 damage, they will be inflicted with strong knockback and ragdoll. Attempting to fire a blank will cause the gun to click uselessly and force the user to rack the shotgun. The user can also manually rack the shotgun by using the “Rack” ability, which ejects the round currently in the chamber. Racking is much faster than firing.

The user can also choose to use the ability Hand Saw. The user brings out a large saw and cuts off the end of the shotgun’s barrel. If the next trigger pull fires a live round, that shot’s damage is doubled. Regardless of the shell, the barrel regenerates after pulling the trigger or racking the slide. After its use, Hand Saw requires the user to try to fire the roulette shotgun at least 4 times before it can be used again. Racking the shotgun does not count towards the Hand Saw. The number of trigger pulls remaining until the Hand Saw ability is ready is shown in a dialog box saying “# more turn(s).” where the number changes based on remaining times the trigger is pulled.


  • Count your rounds.

  • In a combat situation, if there are more live rounds than blanks, the risk of a blank coming up is lower. If there are more blanks than live rounds, it is safer to rack.

  • When out of combat, keep firing to recharge use of the Hand Saw. If a magazine is mostly blanks and the Hand Saw is ready, eject the magazine until there’s a load with at least a 50/50 split of live rounds to blank rounds.

  • If the user has a high chance of shooting a live round and Hand Saw is active, walk up to someone with the sawn-off and blast them at close range for maximum damage.


  • The weapon is a reference to Buckshot Roulette, a currently on-going popular indie game where players play a Russian Roulette-type game with a shotgun.

  • The Hand Saw ability is based on the Hand Saw item from the original game, which is a tool that can be used to saw off the barrel of the shotgun, allowing it to deal double damage, provided a live round is in the chamber.

  • In addition to shortening the barrel, using hand saw also shortens the tube magazine which holds the shotgun’s shells.

  • If the user successfully fires 3 shots in a row while at least 1 blank round is loaded they earn the rigged liability badge.

  • roulette shotgun has a VIP server variant called lore accurate roulette shotgun.

Sawed off.Shaking when holding the shotgun.A user loading the shotgun and racking it.Hand Saw ability in use.Rack ability in use.Ditto, but with short barrel.Firing roulette shotgun.Hitting a target with roulette shotgun.roulette shotgun viewed with invisibility debug.Ditto, but sawed off.


The Dealer holding the Roulette shotgun in its original game.The roulette shotgun not being held by anyone in its original game.Ditto, but sawed off.The Hand Saw in the original game, with this being the basis of the “Hand Saw” ability.


Sound File Description
Loading When loading ammunition into the shotgun.
Reloading When using the Rack (E) ability, or otherwise finishing loading the magazine.
Fire When firing a live round from the shotgun.
Blank Fire When attempting to fire a blank round from the shotgun.


  • v1.9.0 🎄

  • Altered appearance of the muzzle flash effect.

  • v1.8.4

  • Pellet spread decreased from 11 degrees to 8 degrees.

  • Now inflicts strong knockback and ragdoll when hitting for greater than or equal to 50 damage.

  • Increased damage per pellet to 135. This was soon reverted back to 15.

  • v1.5.6

  • Reverted v1.5.5 changes.

  • v1.5.5

  • Now kills the user upon the ejection of a live shell, whether shot or racked.

  • v1.5.0

  • Added roulette shotgun.

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