Comments 2837 to 2798 of 5758 - Buckshot Roulette by Mike Klubnika

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Viewing most recent comments 2,922 to 2,961 of 5,758 · Next page · Previous page · First page · Last pagemememarine279 days ago(+3)Love the game! The art style is wonderful.

Cigarettes should be reworked, though. They have no strategy to their use; if your health is down, use them. I suggest that cigarettes should tank one hit of damage, and expire the next time it’s your turn. That would include saw shots, so if you anticipate one, you would want to pop cigarettes. That’s just my two cents.

ReplytipsyConfection279 days agoI wanna know, was retaining of the items on Double or Nothing on purpose or an oversight? It’s one of the main reasons I personally keep losing immediately on starting Double or Nothing cuz Dealer has all the items to immediately end me most of the time.

Replydnmls279 days ago对于这个价格来说还是很不错的。五分🥳

Replygemortlll279 days ago(-1)I don’t understand how to buy this game, help someone

ReplyDeityMars279 days agoclick “buy now” then at the bottom you have “Pay with PayPal” or “Pay With Card”. Then after clicking one of those, you put your information in as required and you’re good to go!

ReplyTutrenium279 days agoSomeone made a toxic speedrunning place for your game id take them down myself but im not sure how

im not sure if you are/want/can handle this but i tried reasoning with them

ReplyPeterSkovbo279 days agoi also keep getting the black screen and then crashing (i play on windows)

ReplySAMUZZA279 days agoi have done the downlod, extracted the file but when i open it the the screen become black and the game doesn’t open… what i have to do?

ReplyMintPixels279 days agowait

Reply253639486279 days agoamazing

Replycannonsword279 days agothe game is incredibly good. The rest of this comment is about my thoughts on the game outside of it being really cool and fun

the main problem I have with this game is that cigar feels too obvious to use, why wouldn’t you use cigar? it has absolutely no downside to using it. (ignoring the cases where it won’t work) I feel like every items demand a bit more thinking than just using it after losing health. I also think it does not feel good when I go out of my way to deal damage to dealer then he just heals it right back up with the cigar.

a minor problem would be beer being the weakest (or maybe hardest to use) and magnifying glasses being the strongest item, but I’m ok with there being a bit of meta in the items, and don’t think it’s problem big enough to be prioritized solving. It’s just a thought I had

I think a “custom mode” where the player can decide what items can appear in the box, the maximum amount of shells that can be in the gun, the amount of item player gets per load, and amount of charges per round would be a great addition.

also it would be really cool if you added new items in the future.

Replybubmo8910279 days ago(+5)PLEASE put this on steam i think it will go really well

ReplyPaluza_qls279 days ago(1 edit)(+2)с временем можно было бы добавить сюда мультиплеер что бы больше интереса в игре было

ReplyBeshkek Art279 days agoAmazing game!!!

ReplyRoach279 days agoMan, this game is awesome! The atmosphere is spot on and the game of pure chance distilled with items and light strategy make it incredibly tense and fun to play. The Double or Nothing update really brought this game to its own as now you can play as long as you like… or as long as you can last. Only features I’d like would be a pause menu where you could exit the game from, and restarting after losing a game takes just a wee bit too long. Otherwise this game is well-designed, very fun, super unique and I’m looking forward to new updates and releases from Mike. Approved!

Replywaffles4life34279 days ago(1 edit)(-1)i payed and i cant dowload it

Replywaffles4life34279 days ago(+1)(-1)nvm i got refunded

Replysupergracznr1279 days ago(+4)Port and release this great game to mobile devices.

ReplyAugustus96279 days ago(+1)I really liked the double or nothing update.

One thing that would be great to add to the game is the ability to pause and exit. I had to shut the game down with ctrl + alt + delete.

Replysuper_gamer_101279 days ago(+1)Yō your game was awesome it gave me some really good vibes and it was a lot of fun I can’t wait to see what content your making next

Replyfearflo279 days ago(+2)I can’t believe I messed up like that.

ReplyHyperDollie279 days ago(+2)How come for the pills mode, sometimes the “extra charge” cigarettes don’t work? Sometimes, the charge increases without the beep sound. And most of the time, there’s no increase and no beep. Is it a bug?

Maybe a readme.txt could be helpful with the downloads with version history included. Thanks.

ReplyQwazzy279 days agoEach round has random health max values, and you can’t go above that. So if you start a round with 3 HP, you can’t use cigs to go above 3.

ReplyMrHanz0279 days ago(+1)(-1)How do I install the updated version? I’ve tried to reinstall the game but it didn’t seem to work, can anyone help with this?

ReplyQUEENASTR279 days ago(+2)Me too, I saw some videos that it has updated, but itch seems not have the options to download.

ReplyAverage Florida Boy279 days agoYeah the dealer is AI, there is no loss counter

ReplyBleac279 days ago(-1)Is the dealer ai and can you have a loss counter.

ReplyAverage Florida Boy279 days agoI bought the game, today. but I cannot take the pills in the bathroom. Left mouse button does not work. Does anyone know which button it is?

ReplyQwazzy279 days ago(1 edit)If you click the pills and nothing happens, you probably downloaded v1.0 by mistake. You want to download v1.1.

If left click doesn’t work for either the pills or the door, then I’m not sure what’s going on. There’s no keybinds, the game just uses your mouse to click on everything. So it would be a system issue of some kind.

ReplyAlpha_Gametauri279 days agoI have one issue, and a suggestion for a future version of the game.I don’t have a cursor when playing, i only know what i’d select when it hovers/is highlighted.For a suggestion, i like playing this game of chance in this style. I’d really love to see an ‘Arcade’ mode or something. No ending with the cash we have now. Where you just keep going (with the 2 or 4 items per load) until you die. Maybe even keep track of how many rounds/loads you can last.

Replygoodododod279 days agothere is a mode like just take the pill at the start when you are in the bathroom they should be on the counter next to the sin

ReplyDoDogson279 days agoExcuse me, I have a question, when I am in the payment process the game does not download or the payment is counted, it does not appear to me as if it was paid and it is the first time I have bought a game on this page..and it seems like a very bad experience considering that I don’t usually buy that many games

Replygoodododod279 days ago(-2)when you buy the game you have to open the file from your browser than you have to extract the file itself in order to play the game

ReplyDoDogson278 days agoThanks for answering me!, But I already solved that, the payment was simply not processed in the Google browser, I had to change the browser to Opera, and it let me buy it, anyway, thank you very much!

Replygoodododod279 days agothe only one downside to this game and it honestly makes the game not as enjoyable is that it isnt long enough i wish the this game was longer it was alot of fun lol

Replygoodododod279 days agoi have come to find out it is longer. ALOT longer thank you devs/dev

Replyle_mountix279 days ago One last question friends, what is Linux?ReplyAlpha_Gametauri279 days agoAn open source Operating System, there’s a bunch of different versions of Linux

ReplyMrs lemons fan279 days ago(1 edit)Much nice very risk

Replyle_mountix279 days ago How do you download the new version people? ReplyMrs lemons fan279 days agoYou re install it.

Replycutiepie01279 days ago(+1)hi, why i cant open the game? it appears black screen

ReplyAlpha_Gametauri279 days agoIf it’s in Win-rar after downloading, you need to extract it to desktop.

Replycutiepie01279 days agostill the same :(

ReplyAceofspades2945279 days ago(+1) I try to buy the game and it charges me the money but it doesn’t give me the game

Replyxiaohaoyi279 days ago我也是


Replychintobean279 days agohow do i download this on linux

Replylandosierra279 days ago(+2)its so addictive!! how do i download the new version?

ReplyMrs lemons fan279 days agoYou re insllal the game.

Replychintobean279 days ago(-2)how can i downloadf this on linux

Replychintobean279 days agohelp

Reply4dayz279 days agoReplypugthug1299279 days ago(+1)(-1)pls add on steam


Replyasherjhovino279 days ago(+1)no

Replydinofirefox279 days agowhat the highest score on infinite mode so far im at a million

Replyashwe2012279 days agoplz add to steam or console I can’t play bc it’s on the web

Replypugthug1299279 days agoyea i agree

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