Shotgun Buckshot Roulette Wiki Fandom

The Shotgun is the main item that the Player and Dealer use to shoot each other or themselves in Story Mode/Double or Nothing. In Multiplayer, up to four Players use the Shotgun shoot each other or themselves. The Shotgun is a Remington 870 12-gauge pump-action shotgun with an 8-round tube and… ShotgunWithBothHullTypes

The Shotgun is a Remington 870 12-gaugepump-action shotgun with an 8-round tube and wooden furniture.



Every round, the Dealer will load up to eight shells into the Shotgun. These shells are shown to the Player before loading and are inserted in a random order. The Player is always given the Shotgun first after it is loaded.


There are two types of shells that can be loaded into the Shotgun: live and blank.

A live shell has a red casing (or white if color-blind mode is on) and will deal one damage to whoever it is fired at. Shooting a live round ends the user’s turn regardless of who it is fired at.

A blank shell has a black casing and will not deal any damage. If the user chooses to shoot themselves and the round is a blank, they gain another turn. However, if they choose to shoot the opposing player and the round is a blank, their turn ends.

After a shell is ejected from the Shotgun, the casing is left on the table. Up to two casings can be on the table before they disappear to make way for new casings.

The 12-gauge buckshot shell used by the Shotgun.A live shell in the chamber.A blank shell in the chamber.


  • Using a Hand Saw deals double damage for the next turn if the chambered shell is live.
  • Using a Beer racks the Shotgun and ejects the shell currently in the chamber.
  • Using a Magnifying Glass allows the user to view what type of shell is currently loaded in the chamber.
  • Using a Burner Phone allows the user to view the location and type of a random shell (never the current shell in the chamber) in the Shotgun’s magazine.
  • Using a Inverter will invert the type of the current shell in the chamber.

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