What is a 12-gauge shotgun?

A shotgun gauge refers to the diameter of the shotgun’s bore. The gauge is determined by the number of lead balls, of the same diameter as the bore, that it would take to weigh one pound. For example, if it takes 12 lead balls to weigh one pound, then the shotgun is a 12-gauge.


What is a 12-gauge shotgun?

A shotgun gauge refers to the diameter of the shotgun’s bore. The gauge is determined by the number of lead balls, of the same diameter as the bore, that it would take to weigh one pound. For example, if it takes 12 lead balls to weigh one pound, then the shotgun is a 12-gauge.

What does shotgun mean in a car?

Etymology. after ride shotgun “to occupy the seat next to the driver,” from the practice in the U.S. West during the late 1800’s of seating a guard armed with a shotgun next to the driver on stagecoaches containing valuables.

What does shotgun mean in a car?

Etymology. after ride shotgun “to occupy the seat next to the driver,” from the practice in the U.S. West during the late 1800’s of seating a guard armed with a shotgun next to the driver on stagecoaches containing valuables.

What color are the bullets in Buckshot Roulette?

The game consists of three rounds. At the start of each round, the computer-controlled Dealer loads the shotgun with a certain number of red live shells and bluish-gray blanks in a random order.

Is Buckshot Roulette free?


What happens if you name yourself God in Buckshot Roulette?

When you sign the General Release of Liability, you cannot name yourself God. If you press “Enter” button after this, nothing happens, and you can’t play the game with the name.

What do cigarettes do in Buckshot Roulette?

Description: The cigarette is one of the few items that restore the charges of your defibrillator, displayed under your name by lightning symbols. Though that free charge can be tempting, remember you can’t have more charges than you did when the round began.13 Apr 2024

Is Buckshot Roulette really random?

Yes, they randomize, which means, yes you can get very unlucky. Though I never hear people who have all the skill or all the RNG manipulation hacks complaining DoN is too unfair.Apr 30, 2024

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